VFW Post 1667, located at 3332 Ridgedale Road, Ridgedale, Missouri, was chartered in 1988.  After conducting meetings in various locations, the members set about obtaining materials to build a post home, and did so with their own hands.   The post continues to utilize that building. 

The post became an integral port of the Ridgedale Community in the ensuing years, holding bingo games, turkey shoots, pool tournaments and other activities. After membership dipped down into the low 40s, around the year 2018, the post began a concerted effort to sign up new members, and presently the post has some 75 members. 
We are active in the community through assisting needy veterans and their families, and conducting events throughout the year such as the Patriots' Pen and Voice of Democracy youth scholarship contests, and other events in the community.  We donate the use of our VFW hall to community groups for meetings as needed.  We operate a small loaning/donation closet for medical equipment, such as walkers, or wheel chairs, as donations allow. 
The post sponsors a Peer Support Group every Thursday at 1100 am, at the post, for area vets who might wish to attend.  The groups are free, and allow vets to discuss various matters that might be a challenge for them in their daily lives in a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere, receiving input from other veterans.