Notice - For a limited time, VFW Post 1667 is presently offering a discount to anyone joining the Post with a lifetime membership, or current annual members of the Post who convert to lifetime membership. 
This discount means $100.00 of the membership dues for lifetime memberships will be paid by the Post. 
There's no better time to join the VFW, and no better time to become  a life member of Post 1667.  Come join us, before this offer expires. 
Post 1667 is accepting donations of medical equipment, such a crutches, wheelchairs, and/or walkers, to use to help members of the community in times of need. 
If you have such equipment, and the equipment is fully serviceable and clean,  and wish to donate it, contact the post at 417 336 6017 and leave a message with instructions how to contact you.  We will then call back and arrange for you to drop off, or for us to pick up, the equipment.  We offer this assistance to all members of the community, veterans and non-veterans. 

Post News

Important Info for Post1667 Members

Lifetime Membership Discount

Post 1667 Offers Discount on Life Membership

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

De Soto Veteran Honored by VFW for #StillServing

De Soto veteran Quincy Myrick is being honored for dedication to country and community in the VFW national #StillServing campaign. (Photo credit: Quincy Myrick)

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Remembers the End of the Afghanistan War

WASHINGTON - It has been three years since the United States finally left Afghanistan in a calamitous and deadly withdrawal of our...

VFW Admonishes Former President for Medal of Honor Remarks

WASHINGTON - "On Thursday, former President Donald Trump spoke at an event where he made some flippant remarks about the Medal of ...


Notice - For a limited time, VFW Post 1667 is presently offering a discount to anyone joining the Post with a lifetime membership, or current annual members of the Post who convert to lifetime membership. 
This discount means $100.00 of the membership dues for lifetime memberships will be paid by the Post. 
There's no better time to join the VFW, and no better time to become  a life member of Post 1667.  Come join us, before this offer expires. 
Post 1667 is accepting donations of medical equipment, such a crutches, wheelchairs, and/or walkers, to use to help members of the community in times of need. 
If you have such equipment, and the equipment is fully serviceable and clean,  and wish to donate it, contact the post at 417 336 6017 and leave a message with instructions how to contact you.  We will then call back and arrange for you to drop off, or for us to pick up, the equipment.  We offer this assistance to all members of the community, veterans and non-veterans. 


Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.